Capitalism vs ESG: A Battle of Values and Ethics

Capitalism, characterized by competition and profit-driven motives, has undoubtedly achieved great success. However, the rise of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria signals a wake-up call, challenging the very core of capitalist values. This transformation is not just a trend; it’s a revolution impacting individuals and businesses alike

7/2/20244 min read

Capitalism, characterized by competition and profit-driven motives, has undoubtedly achieved great success. However, the rise of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria signals a wake-up call, challenging the very core of capitalist values. This transformation is not just a trend; it’s a revolution impacting individuals and businesses alike.

Looking to the Past for Inspiration

Historical narratives often offer valuable insights into contemporary issues. In this week's Bible reading, we encounter the leadership challenge of Korach against Moses. This story, found in Numbers 16:3, highlights a period of moral crisis among the Israelites, making Korach’s revolutionary message appealing:

"And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, 'You take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you lift up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?'"

Korach’s call for equality and better leadership resonates with modern movements. However, as history shows, revolutions without a foundation in higher principles often falter. Karl Marx’s vision of spiritual and economic emancipation also sounded wonderful, yet its implementation in communism led to widespread corruption and failure due to the absence of a higher moral authority.

The Core Conflict: Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism

Capitalism’s belief in self-regulating markets, the pursuit of happiness through consumption, and shareholder supremacy has led to significant advancements. Yet, these beliefs, much like ancient myths, seem increasingly out of touch with the realities of global challenges. Guido Palazzo, a professor of ethics, reflects on this:

"Yet, we believe that markets regulate themselves, that consumption makes happy, that shareholder rights should trump any other right, and that growth is possible in eternity."

The rise of ESG is a response to these excesses, seeking to temper capitalism’s drive with ethical considerations. Jewish ethics, particularly the concept of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), offers valuable guidance in this debate. Moses, a trailblazer of his time, exemplified leadership rooted in higher values—a lesson for today’s business leaders.

ESG: A Battle of Values

The essence of ESG is deeply rooted in personal and corporate values. Capitalism, driven by profit, often leads to practices like greenwashing, where businesses falsely portray themselves as environmentally friendly. ESG aims to shift the focus from mere competition to cooperation and ethical responsibility.

Rabbi Sacks, quoting Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik’s "The Lonely Man of Faith," describes the dual nature of humanity:

"Adam I seeks success. Adam II strives for charity, love, and redemption. Adam I lives by the logic of economics – the pursuit of self-interest and maximum utility. Adam II lives by the very different logic of morality, where giving matters more than receiving, and conquering desire is more important than satisfying it."

The challenge is for individuals and businesses to embrace their "Adam II" nature, prioritizing ethical and sustainable practices over mere profit.

The Current State and Future of ESG

Alex Edmans, in his works, highlights the evolution and future direction of ESG:

  1. The End of ESG argues for recognizing ESG as a critical, yet integrated, part of long-term value creation:

"ESG is both extremely important and nothing special. It's extremely important because it's critical to long-term value, and so any academic or practitioner should take it seriously, not just those with 'ESG' in their research interests or job title. It's nothing special since it's no better or worse than other intangible assets that create long-term financial and social returns, such as management quality, corporate culture, and innovative capability."

  1. Applying Economics - Not Gut Feel - To ESG emphasizes the need for evidence-based approaches to ESG: "Since ESG is no different from other investments with long-term financial and social returns, we can apply the insights of mainstream economics to ESG, rather than shooting from the hip."

  2. Rational Sustainability proposes a shift from ESG box-ticking to genuinely sustainable practices:

"Rational sustainability refers to the informed creation of long-term value. Sustainability is the goal – the creation of long-term value rather than the ticking of ESG boxes – which is of interest to all job titles and political leanings. Rational refers to the approach: it recognizes diminishing returns and trade-offs; it is based on evidence and analysis; and guards against irrational sustainability bubbles."

As ESG reporting becomes mandatory in the EU, companies will face stricter requirements, including double materiality assessments, stakeholder engagement, and rigorous impact measurements. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an example of this shift. The CSRD will require large companies to report on how their business activities impact the environment and society, as well as how sustainability issues affect their business.

For further reading:


The battle between capitalism and ESG is fundamentally a struggle over values and ethics. While capitalism has driven progress, it has also led to significant inequalities and environmental degradation. ESG offers a pathway to balance profit with ethical responsibility, urging businesses and individuals to embrace a higher moral standard.

My Definition of ESG:

  • Environment: Focus on ethics, accountability for environmental impact.

  • Social: Fair treatment of staff and customers, community engagement.

  • Governance: Proper mechanisms and truthful reporting.

The challenge is to redefine our values, embracing the ethical dimensions of ESG to build a more sustainable and equitable future. This internal and external revolution demands that we all strive to become our better selves—embracing the principles of Adam II in our personal lives and business practices.

The Status of the ESG Battle

The ESG movement has significantly influenced how companies and investors approach sustainability. However, the current practice often reduces complex issues to boxes to be ticked, treating ESG as a compliance exercise rather than a value driver. This perspective needs to evolve, moving towards the informed creation of long-term value.

Final Thoughts

The true measure of success in the ESG movement will be its ability to foster a shift from short-term profit maximization to long-term value creation, rooted in ethical responsibility. This transformation requires a collective effort to redefine what success means in both personal and corporate contexts, striving to become our better selves and create a more sustainable world.